The Summer Retreat
Click here: Fall Silent Retreat
July 7-10, 2022
Trust, Rest, and Reciprocity
intimate 3-day silent meditation retreat
with Aaron Knowles Dias
Hudson Valley, NY
On this retreat, I'll offer content conducive for having your own direct experiences with these powerful qualities:
Each day I'll host 3 silent meditations, 1 guided meditation and 1 yoga class. Each evening I'll offer a talk inspired by our themes and write-in questions from silent participants.
For a taste of my teachings on these themes go to the Wisdom Topic in Nowhere Village, (or to the Forever Marvel Youtube page) where you’ll find lots of lectures. Reciprocity—or right relationship/healthy give-and-take—is our current focus.
For a taste of my guided meditations, go to the Stillness Topic in Nowhere Village (or to the Nowhere Village Soundcloud page.)
Besty Guttmacher and Erin Berte will be offering free, silent, 1-on-1 reiki sessions in between the group events.
The meditation center at Pumpkin Hollow, with gardens on one side, waterfall on the other.
Why is silent meditation retreat so effective? I have now held space for hundreds of folks in meditation retreat, watching as each one sacrifices a long weekend to the meditation practice. In exchange for their sacrifice, each retreatant departs with some just-right gift to guide and fuel them through the coming season.
Some leave feeling more balanced, well-rested, nourished or detoxed. Some have a big insight, or experience the blessed clarity of a peaceful mind. Some leave standing taller, more empowered, authentic or free. Some tap into a deep feeling of compassion, devotion or gratitude.
And many folks experience a combination of these. It's incredible how quickly and completely the revelations and transformation occur once we simply step away from the hustle of daily life, move through our time with less stressful obligations, distracting noise, and confusing clutter.
I am an experienced retreat guide who brings skillfulness, humility, sincerity and a deep respect for the inherent wisdom of the practices and practitioners. For more about me go to
4-minute video introducing you to the themes and structure of this retreat.
Everyone will go into silence at the end of our opening circle and not come out until Sunday morning. I will speak a few times per day in order to guide exercises and give information. But all of us will spend the majority of the 4 days in sacred silence, which has profoundly healing effects on the mind, the nervous system and the energetic body.
We will all turn off our devices and disconnect for the entire retreat. Set an automatic vacation responder on your email and prepare your loved ones for not hearing from you for a few days.
Once you sign up I'll send more info about travel and ways to connect to other attendees, so that you can coordinate travel with other participants. Options for ride shares organized from NYC, and cab shares from the Hudson, NY Amtrak station.
4-6:30pm Check-in
6:30pm Dinner + Pumpkin Hollow Orientation
7-9pm Opening Circle + Settling into Silence
7am Coffee, tea and OJ available
7:30am Sunrise Stillness
8am Breakfast
10am Short Talk + Guided Movement
12pm Day Stillness
12:30pm Lunch
4pm Sunset Stillness
4:30pm Free Movement
6:30pm Dinner
8pm Talk + Group Inquiry
9pm Night Stillness
7am Coffee, tea and OJ available
7:30am Sunrise Stillness
8am Breakfast
10am Short Talk + Guided Movement
12pm Day Stillness
12:30pm Lunch
4pm Sunset Stillness
4:30pm Free Movement
6:30pm Dinner
8pm Talk + Group Inquiry
9pm Night Stillness
7am Coffee, tea and OJ available
7:30am Sunrise Meditation
8am Breakfast
9am-10am Elements Ceremony + Hero's Walk
10am-12pm Closing Circle + Emerging from Silence
12:30-2pm Lunch + Packing Out
Talk is a concise and engaging lecture about how we can experience the power of rest, trust and reciprocity during meditation practice, throughout retreat and beyond.
Group Inquiry is a time where Aaron will address your write-in questions or comments. If you want something addressed in that evening’s Group Inquiry, you must submit your written request by the 4pm “Sunset Stillness” session.
The 12pm "Day Stillness" will be guided by Aaron. As will meditations in the opening and closing ceremonies. All others are held in silence.
Free Movement is a time when you can come and do a self-guided movement practice in the company of Aaron and other retreat participants. You are also welcome to use that time to do your journaling or artistic practice in the shared space (“movement” of your hands and your creative energy) or simply go off on your own adventure.