Chakra Series: Intro + Info
Chakras are the major archetypal energies that make up the human experience. Together they make a map to healing, wisdom and positive transformation.
MAY-JUNE 2021 we are immersing ourselves into an 8-week experiential study of this map. You can join at any time.
Each Sunday I will offer you meditation, movement, vinyasa chanting, self-inquiry practices and a playlist.
Expect to learn:
- how to identify a chakra imbalance
- how to address and heal imbalances
- how to release major blockages on your path
- how to access and charge-up a particular energy within so you have a huge resource for moving forward
You’ll receive continuous support from me and the community via online practices and our community forum.
the chakras as seen by alex grey
I learned so much about the chakras through Aaron's thoughtful, multi-layered classes. After each monthly workshop, I was equipped with meditations, asana, and other exercises that helped me in my personal relationship to each chakra. The knowledge and understanding I developed throughout the workshop series influence my life today. Her sequences are unlike any other teacher's: fluid, well though-out, and challenging. Aaron was the perfect guide. Highly recommend this series!
- Nathalie Torres
The chakra series was life-changing, and unlike anything I've experienced. Guided by Aaron's wisdom I took a major step on the path to better unite my body, mind, and spirit.
- Jenny Hobbs
I am called to teach about these archetypal energies for the same reason that I teach anything: Because I personally suffered from not understanding this stuff. And now I want to scream what I know from the mountaintops.
Though the chakra itself may be invisible, its impact on our lives is quite obvious once we know what to look for.
A healthy chakra is a power source which generates fuel for doing the things we need to do if want a good life--personal wellbeing, meaningful life experiences, spiritual evolution and so on. If a chakra becomes unhealthy, symptoms might show up physically, emotionally or psychologically, but in all cases we experience a lack of internal power.
An inner light dims. A voice from the chorus of life goes mute. A color falls off the spectrum, making the world seem less beautiful.
We have all been here. We sense something missing inside and jump to the conclusion that we are flawed. Inevitably, we then look around, seeking some shabby outer substitute.
Here is a little trip through my early twenties organized from chakra 1-7. Enjoy!
1. I lost trust that my body is truly at home in the world. / I got greedy over little material belongings. Sometimes I seemed to eat and eat without ever being nourished.
2. I forgot the simple ecstasy of embodiment. /I started going out nearly every night, seeking joy out in bottles and the bodies of others.
3. I stopped following the bright light of my authentic purpose. / I chased spikes of external stimulation that tweaked me and dropped me into depletion.
4. My own self-worth grew abstract, my value mythical. / I craved a constant influx of clicked-praise from peers and near-strangers.
5. I stopped expressing myself creatively, lost respect for my own voice. / I drowned myself in other people's creative works, while resenting their careers.
6. My intuitive vision got blocked. / I scrambled, supplicant for authoritative answers, bait for false gurus.
7. My relationship with the sacred unknown had twisted into distrust. / When Positive Transformation approached, I ran the other direction. When Conscious Expansion came knocking I hid under the bed.
I tried hard to fill the lack with all these things because I knew no better. Sometimes it "worked;" I got what I thought wanted, I felt temporarily victorious and got an short import of energy. But in no case were these truly a good substitute for the real thing.
It's bad enough that the empty calories, nights in bars, pots of coffee, praise from others, the work of others, the answers of others, the contraction and hardening of my reality didn't ever truly satisfy. The worst part is that they kept me ever-looking in the wrong direction for what I sought!
While my inner resources were begging for attention, I was becoming increasingly addicted to outer ones. What I really wanted was my own power back. But I was giving my power away left and right, dependent upon resources which were not sustainable, reliable or safe.
(Sound familiar, Western Civilization?)
You have your own stories to uncover and heal. And I still have more of my own work to do too. But I can't tell you how much easier it is with all the lights on.
I'm always here if you have questions.